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Its a Year for Passion

Hello beautiful friends,

Well it’s 2013. Phew! Looking back, my 2012 was an uphill run all the way, often through fog and mud, (I learned to love fog and mud!) … racing, non-stop, from February until sometime in November, when thankfully, I reached the top of the mountain where I am now, took a deep breath and began to enjoy the view. It is so good to be here.

You see last year I had a quest. Whilst establishing my new website, all the time I was asking the questions:-

How can I put all that I do together into one package?

What is my true purpose, the thing that I love the most, that I could stick to forever?

What is it that gets me juiced up the most, that makes me excited to get out of bed in the morning, that never ever feels like work?

What is the thread that connects all I’ve learnt and my skills?

And I found it at the top of the mountain. There it was patiently waiting for all the pieces of me to fall into place and arrive to meet it face to face.


My passion, my purpose is – Ta-da!

'The JOYQ Way’!

Yes I know, I’ve already mentioned it in previous blogs, but through continuing to ask the questions this year, I’m now really clear, that this is the raw naked essence of what I’m here to share, to give, to do.

‘The JOYQ Way’ has been in gestation for the last 12 years. It’s an 8-step path, following the natural organic way our mind and body work, to become more of your natural authentic self and experience what it really means to live JOYfully in the present moment. I’ve been practising this process for many years to release everything that’s in the way of my being in a state of JOY and Oneness with life, slowly building on my understanding and skill until now it’s become a way of life and and something that I feel compelled to share.

So how do you find your passion and purpose in life? Well firstly, as I did, you need to have a clear intention, keep asking the question and be patient. Secondly look for the moments in life when this happens:-

  • you feel fully present, fully alive

  • you feel deeply at peace and happy,

  • you ‘lose’ yourself and feel completely immersed in what you’re doing,

  • time stands still,

  • your energy increases the longer you do it,

  • your passion over-rides your head,

  • it never feels like work,

  • if you had more money than you ever needed, you’d do it anyway,

  • you could talk about it all day and

  • you feel that truly “heaven-is-here-on-earth”.

The secret is – it doesn’t really matter what you’re doing, whether you’re singing, teaching, gardening, cooking, in business, a scientist, a lawyer, a priest or a clown, what we do in life is simply the vehicle for us to experience the feelings we desire to feel.

We each have our own ‘Highest Core Feeling’ that we desire to manifest at the heart of our soul.

For me it’s JOY, for others it may be love or peace or freedom or bliss or enlightenment. Whatever you call it, it’s all in the feeling.

Your ‘Life Purpose’ will make you FEEL FANTASTIC.

Now I’ve realised how good I feel when I’m sharing ‘The JOYQ Way’, this feeling has become the WHY I do anything in life. Why I get out of bed. Why I sit and meditate. Why I practice yoga. Why I love working with people. How and why I want to make a difference, to make a contribution to others and life. I KNOW clearly what’s important to me now. And this knowing will guide my every action.

So to find your life purpose, follow these steps:-

Tune in constantly to your body & notice how you feel.

Look for moments of _____ (your juicy, joy word).

Actively make space in your life for more and more of these moments.

Single-mindedly pursue and create opportunities to develop these qualities within yourself.

Then slowly and steadily, you gain the experience, skills and expertise to share with others…..

And your _____ continues to grow and your life becomes a reflection of your deepest souls’ calling.

You’re not just doing it for you, it’s for everyone, for life itself!

EnJOY 2013- make it a Passionate Year!

Do you resonate with this? Does this inspire you to find more passion in your life? Have you found your sense of true purpose in life? I’d love to hear from you. So leave a comment below and I’ll talk to you soon.

Watch out for ‘The JOYQ Way’ Workshop coming soon and see you soon on the blog,

JOY in endless passion.

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