Book a personal yoga session today
Personalised yoga sessions are one-on-one classes tailored to your individual needs and interests, based on the vast fields of yoga, Physio and posture.
Whether new to yoga or an experienced yogi, private sessions have the immense potential to increase your body awareness, safety and performance and help you to gain greater insight into Yoga both physically and spiritually.
A session may evolve slowly over time as your needs emerge, into a varied practice or be focussed on spinal alignment and/or core strength for healing, based on the Yoga & Posture sequences developed for the Yoga & Posture Workshops.
Annamaya Kosha: Physical Alignment for Spiritual Wellbeing.
Learn the essential yoga sequence to bring balance to your posture and vitality for life.
Anandamaya Kosha: Centering, the Core & Bliss
Dive into deep, subtle core cultivation, accessing all the key areas that support your spine easing back pain and bringing you home to your Centre.
Discuss your needs and intentions with Karakrista and she'll create tailor-made program just for you.
Suitable for All Levels
Ground yourself in the sophisticated art of Postural Alignment and Centering.
Marrying the best of Yogic and Physiotherapy practices in the sanctuary of Noosa, Karakrista's effective approach to yoga explores the alignment of the body, the function and integrity of our core and centring.
In the abdomen lies the Centre of gravity and energy - known in yogic terms as the Nobhu or Kanda and in medicine - the Enteric "Brain". In Yoga, the Centre is the heart of our energy system where all the Nadis (energy channels) arise. To be truly centered requires not only postural balance, core strength and spinal integrity but also an integrated mind-body awareness which thus draws on the essence of Yoga itself, "Svadyaya" - self awareness.
In a Yoga session with Karakrista through a sequence of poses and practices you'll learn the key components to creating
aligned and centred body posture. These include:
natural breathing patterns
spinal mobility
the yogic bandhas
activation of the deep postural muscles of the abdomen, spine and pelvis
daily meditations to develop new neuromuscular memory patterns
All these components create the necessary whole body "tensegrity" (resting myofascial tension) for effortless postural balance and centeredness.
With regular practice this approach to yoga helps to enhance your...
Physical health, posture, strength, vitality, balance, ability to relax, inner calm, emotional resilience, digestion, metabolism, circulation, immune function, intuition, self-trust, personal power and happiness, to name just a few.
As we embody these benefits more and more, the beauty is that they flow out into our lives. We feel greater harmony in our relationships, more able to negotiate life’s challenges with grace and enjoy greater choice to live our lives authentically… the life we truly desire. With continued commitment yoga helps us to move beyond the vacillations of our mind and experience a state of Union which feels something like this - deep stillness, open-hearted peace and joyful Oneness with all Life.
As a passionate holistic practitioner, a long time meditator and avid fitness enthusiast, it was a natural progression for Karakrista to eventually discover the multiple layers of profound and sacred joy that is inherent in the ancient tradition of Yoga.
Since completing the Level I & II teacher training with Being Yoga on the Sunshine Coast in 2007, yoga has become one of her greatest passions. With her wealth of holistic experience from the physical to the spiritual, she brings many positive influences to the mat in her teachings.
Steeped in the practice of meditation and an understanding of our psychological and emotional nature, Karakrista teaches with a meditative approach cultivating an ever-deepening awareness of the relationship between the body, the breath and our state of mind.
Loving kindness…
She also encourages the practice of loving kindness and self acceptance. Embracing these qualities, combined with precise alignment, a flowing breath and mindful movement, she helps students learn to find their natural ease within the postures.
Guided by the JOYQ philosophy, she brings harmony to the active and passive sides of our nature, by exploring the dance between the edges of effort and letting go, between grounding and expansion and between deep peace and joyful aliveness.
Physiotherapy provides a strong anatomical and structural base hence Karakrista’s yoga becomes therapy for those with injuries. You can expect good warm-ups, intelligent sequencing and targeting of areas of the body that are most commonly tight or imbalanced from the stresses and strains of our daily life activities. Beginners and advanced students are welcome with safe modifications offered to suit all practices.
Her yoga teachers and inspiration include Michael Daly, Vanessa Rudge, Shiva Rea, Donna Farhi, Twee Merrigan and Simon Park.